La Moulin de la Galette. Toulouse-Laturec, Van Gogh, and Renoir all painted scenes of this site.
Many artists and writers lived at Le Bateau-Lavoir. Most of the building burned down in 1970, but the facade was saved, and it has been rebuilt.
Abbesses metro station is one of only two of the original glass-covered metro entrances
left in Paris.
The Love Wall in Montmartre has "I love you," written in 250 languages. |
Montmartre also features a sculpture called "The Man Who Could Walk Through Walls," based on a charming story of a man who discovered he could easily pass through walls without trouble. Originally, he sought a doctor's help, and the doctor gave him some pills for the conditon. But the man did not take them, and a year went by. He turned to a life of crime, using his talent to burgle and rob. But then, he fell in love with a married woman. He passed un-noticed through her bedroom wall. One night he had a headache and found some pills he had with him. He took them, and his headache disappeared, but as he was leaving his lover, he suddenly became trapped in the wall. The pills, of course, were the ones he had been given by his doctor the year before. In my neighborhood at home, there are posters of lost dogs and cats. In Montmartre, there is a poster for a lost unicorn. The poster says she is a large female unicorn, white with a large horn, last seen at the Concorde entrance of the Garden of the Tuileries. I will have to look for her there! There is a reward. |
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